The real reason why you procrastinate... And 3 proven strategies to stop procrastination in its tracks

Procrastination is one of the biggest complaints I hear from my coaching clients…

“Why can’t I make myself stop procrastinating and take action on my professional goals? I know what I want. (I think…) And I know I can achieve it… (Wait! Can I?) What’s causing all this self-doubt? And how do I get off this awful hamster wheel of procrastination?”

I get it! And I see you in your struggle…

Procrastination is (no matter how committed you are to your dreams) a FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) response to a task, commitment, or goal you have at hand…

And often, the bigger the goal, the stickier the quicksand trap of procrastination can become. (It can be super icky sticky, right!!?)

Here’s the thing: You can’t simultaneously hide behind FEAR and advance your professional dreams. You can’t hide and advance at the same time.

But you have big goals to achieve, right?

So, how can you shift out of procrastination and into action?

Here are the exact three foundational steps of my Advance Accelerator Process (proven to support high-achievers in advancing their mindsets from being stuck in procrastination to taking action on their goals).

This is precisely what I teach my private clients to do to advance their mindsets for success!

#1 Clarity: Identify Your Brilliance – this step has two parts…

  1. YOU MUST GET ABSOLUTELY CLEAR ON WHAT YOU WANT to be, do, have, or create… Not what your mama told you you should do with your life, career, or business. Not the expectations of others. And not what you feel you should do to please people or keep up with the “Jones’s.What do YOU want?
  2. And… (Clutch your pearls, girl!!) YOU MUST GET ABSOLUTELY CLEAR ON YOUR FEARS (False Evidence Appearing Real) that keep you in toxic cycles of overwhelm, distraction, and feeling stuck and stalled in your career or business. We must come face-to-face with our FEARs to overcome them and free ourselves to advance our goals. What FEAR holds you back from taking action?

#2 Courage: Reframe Self-Limiting Beliefs… You are the only person who talks to you ALL DAY LONG (24/7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year). What’s the quality of your inner self-talk? Are you your own best friend encouraging your “Self” to keep the course? Or are you your worst enemy, talking yourself into FEAR rather than into faith?

#3 Confidence: Prioritize Your Big, Bold Ideas… Mustering up the CONFIDENCE TO TAKE ACTION ON YOUR BIG GOALS. Here’s where everything on your “To Do List” competes for your time and attention and second-guessing yourself and your goals can dominate and thwart your ability to take action.

To break through the quicksand trap of procrastination and overcome the BS (self-limiting belief systems) that keep you feeling overwhelmed

It’s essential you master these three mindset advancement steps – Clarity, Courage, and Confidence.

You can stop the endless cycle of procrastination once and for all!

If procrastination is stalling your professional dreams…

I’m here to help you get unstuck and get into action on your professional goals. You can create the career or business you've always dreamed of.

Take my helping hand! Book your Complimentary Discovery Call with me now. We’ll connect by phone to talk through what’s causing you to procrastinate and how coaching can powerfully help you get unstuck and harness your energy so you can advance your goals.

Stop procrastinating! (It’s a habit, and like all habits – it’s breakable.)

Learn to master the steps proven to create a habit of taking inspired action – it’s essential if you’re committed to advancing your professional dreams.

Book your Complimentary Discovery Call with me now!

Seeing you advance!

Coach Ryane


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